Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Out of Comfort Zone Book

In Cold Blood

For my out of comfort zone book, I read In Cold Blood by Truman Capote. It was out of my comfort zone because it was a documentary of a true crime that happened in Kansas.m I read lots of mystery and murder books, but all of them are fictional. I decided to read the account of a true murder for a change once and see the differences between telling the story of a murder when it is made up and when it is a true occurrence who's story was put together through real research. 

This book was definitely different than a fictional murder story. It felt much more real naturally, and I found myself being more disturbed by a true account of murder than a fictional one made up for entertainment. It was a constant reminder in this book that the people were real, these atrocities and horrors truly happened, and could have happened to anyone. I did think the book was amazingly well written. It felt like I was there, knew the Clutter family. I enjoyed reading it as a result from the emmersive effect it had, but also had a hard time reading it because it disturbed me so much knowing it was a real murder. I would recommend this book to others to read, but with the warning to be prepared for the gruesomeness included in the book. 

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