Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Life Imitates Art

Jane Austen Book Club Movie Reaction

I really don't have much of an opinion on this film. It was okay. I cant really pin point any particular strengths and weaknesses to it because I don't know how well they translated the book into the movie to begin with and I thought the movie was fine as far as movies go.I didn't take away anything from the movie either and never saw how it ended so its hard to take away something from a movie I never even finished or really cared much about. I guess I would recommend it to people who like chick flicks, because that's all i got out of it if anything. 

Life imitates art in Animal Farm. Each animal represents a type of person during the time of the USSR and Stalin. The pigs are great propaganda preachers and are power hungry and unjust just like the communist leaders in the USSR. The activities they do represents the goals and actions of the USSR. The pigs become hypocrites, just like the communists did. Basically the pigs imitate the way communists behave in the real world. This book sends out a strong message about how communism doesnt work in an intriguing and attention capturing way that makes everyone understand. This shows us how powerful literature can be when delivering a message to the public which reads it. We read to become more educated and intelligent, to learn.  

Out of Comfort Zone Book

In Cold Blood

For my out of comfort zone book, I read In Cold Blood by Truman Capote. It was out of my comfort zone because it was a documentary of a true crime that happened in Kansas.m I read lots of mystery and murder books, but all of them are fictional. I decided to read the account of a true murder for a change once and see the differences between telling the story of a murder when it is made up and when it is a true occurrence who's story was put together through real research. 

This book was definitely different than a fictional murder story. It felt much more real naturally, and I found myself being more disturbed by a true account of murder than a fictional one made up for entertainment. It was a constant reminder in this book that the people were real, these atrocities and horrors truly happened, and could have happened to anyone. I did think the book was amazingly well written. It felt like I was there, knew the Clutter family. I enjoyed reading it as a result from the emmersive effect it had, but also had a hard time reading it because it disturbed me so much knowing it was a real murder. I would recommend this book to others to read, but with the warning to be prepared for the gruesomeness included in the book.