Friday, March 27, 2015

The Girl On The Train

Independent Choice Reflection

The Girl On The Train

My most recent independent choice was Girl On The Train by Paula Hawkins. This book was recommended to me by Amazon after I had finished Dark Places because it is also a thriller/mystery and is written in a similar fashion. I accepted the recommendation because I had great ratings and it's my favorite genre.  

I thought this book was really well done. The emotion in it is very powerful and raw, making it easy to connect with the characters and feel their pain, The book was intriguing from the start which I love because I hate a dull start to a book. It was very suspenseful and mysterious. I liked that Rachel couldn't remember what she had seen because she was intoxicated but knew she saw something crucial, it drove me just as crazy as it drove her that the answer was so close but seemingly unobtainable. I love the writing style of narrating it from several different character's view points, it adds great layering and insight and makes the characters feel more real and intertwined into the story. Hawkins made the characters very relateable and realistic which made the book all the more interesting and intriguing.

As for my reaction to the book, I really loved it. The ending was so well done and surprising, I loved the plot twist Hawkins made. I identified with the characters, felt like I was walking in their shoes, especially Rachel. It was everything I like best in a book, suspense, mystery, strong emotion, descriptive, and a true page turner. I loved the way everything fell into place and connected in this book and I read the whole thing in one afternoon. 

I would definitely recommend this book to someone who loves a good mystery and suspense. The book is very sad however, so if you're not one who enjoys a depressing tone in a book, this might not be for you. If you love a crazy plot twist, this book definitely has it. The book is definitely worth the read and I don't think it would disappoint, so if you're looking for a good read or a well written suspenseful mystery, this book is the right one for you. 

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