Thursday, March 12, 2015


Butter Reaction

For our class read, our class voted for Butter by Erin Lange. I wasn't sure if I would appreciate Butter, the plot seemed somewhat outrageous and dramatic. I didn't think I would enjoy a book about an obese kid who wants to eat himself to death on live internet broadcast all because he was sick of being fat. Surprisingly, I did enjoy this book. Although it was a bit of a stretch, I can understand why Marshall (Butter) felt the way he did. I like that Erin Lange made the main character someone society tends to ignore and avoid, an obese and depressed binge eating teenager. Before this book I never really thought about what it must be like to be an obese teenager, I didn't know how hard it could be in a setting like high school. Erin Lange makes you feel Marshall's humiliation and frustration. There were times in the book where I got frustrated with Marshall's attitude, but I liked the ending. Overall I think the book was well written and fairly eye opening. 

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