Thursday, February 26, 2015

Me As A Reader

About Me and Books

My name is Sydney, I live in Northern New Jersey and go to an average, dumpy, little school in a small town where they offered me a decent class to take my senior year, Reader's Choice. In this class I have at last been given the freedom to chose my own books to read and do assignments on (because everyone knows that the board of ed always chooses the worst possible books to force you to read). This class required me to make a blog in which I will make posts about the books I am reading/ have read. So hey. Here I am. 

I am and always have been, since as far as I remember, a book lover. My mother diligently read to me since I was in the womb every night up until I was about 3 and had been taught by her how to read myself.I know a lot of people don't like reading, and I blame that on the education system for shoving poor and badly written books down our throats and not letting anyone savor the book and interpret it how they want to or read it at our own speeds. It ruins the whole greatness of reading. Reading should take you to another world. You should be so absorbed and into that world that while you're reading your house could burn down and you wouldn't notice until the firemen show up and you hear the sirens (ha ha). You should be able to read at your own pace without judging eyes saying you aren't reading right because there is no way to "read right". Books should be for enjoyment, not stress and deadlines, because then reading becomes a burden. I think it's a true tragedy. 

I'm not much of a blog person, but I don't mind writing a blog that no one will ever read about really awesome books because even though no one will ever read my blog, maybe someone will come across it by accident when they end up on the wrong side of the internet and will be inspired to read.